„I research how infants’ early perceptual and attentional abilities scaffold their later language development, the relative roles of language experience and brain maturation in word learning during toddlerhood, and the role of sex-specific mechanisms that may protect language acquisition in typically and atypically developing infants, with a focus on infants at increased likelihood for autism.”
Wybrane publikacje:
Lozano, I., Belinchón, M., & Campos, R. (2024). Sensitivity to Temporal Synchrony and Selective Attention in Audiovisual Speech in Infants at Elevated Likelihood for Autism in the First Year: A Preliminary Longitudinal Study. Infant Behavior and Development. 76, 101973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2024.101973
Lozano, I., Campos, R., & Belinchón, M. (2024). Sensitivity to temporal synchrony in audiovisual speech in early infancy: Current issues and future avenues. Cognitive Development, 70, 101453. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogdev.2024.101453
Lozano, I., López Pérez, D., Laudańska, Z., Malinowska‐Korczak, A., Szmytke, M., Radkowska, A., & Tomalski, P. (2022). Changes in selective attention to articulating mouth across infancy: Sex differences and associations with language outcomes. Infancy, 27(6), 1132-1153.
Przyznane granty:
12/2023 – 12/2025 – Sonatina, 2023/48/C/HS6/00264, “Wczesne różnice międzypłciowe w zakresie uwagi na artykułujące usta jako potencjalny czynnik ochronny u dziewczynek w zaburzeniach ze spektrum autyzmu”. Narodowe Centrum Nauki. PLN 544 740, Instytut Psychologii PAN, Warszawa, Polska.
Kontakt: ilozano@psych.pan.pl